Smilematic is a free Chrome extension that will automatically turn your everyday Amazon purchases into AmazonSmile donations.

You’ll never again miss an opportunity to raise money for

your favorite charity

Also supports Safari, Firefox & Edge

Watch It In Action

1. Install Smilematic

Simply click here to add Smilematic to Chrome. There are no popups or annoyances.

2. Smilematic redirects you, automatically.

Shop Amazon as usual but now 0.5% of everything you spend will be donated to your favorite charity.

Get Smilematic for free

What is Amazon Smile? What is Smilematic?

Amazon Smile is an identical website to except that all purchases made through it are donated to a chosen charity. You can learn more about AmazonSmile here or browse the AmazonSmile FAQ.

Smilematic is a simple browser extension to completely automate the process of ensuring all purchases go through AmazonSmile instead of Amazon. Any Amazon link manually typed in, or clicked on a search engine result, blog post, forum, etc. will automatically be redirected to AmazonSmile without having to remember to manually change it!

Charities can include a link on their website to walk their supporters through setting up their charity with Smilematic and Amazon Smile within seconds.

Have questions? Check out our FAQ.