Super Bowl Deals

What Is the Super Bowl?

On Super Bowl Sunday, millions of Americans gather to watch the biggest sporting event of the year. Die-hard football fans cheer on their favorite team and place bets about who's going to win. Even people who don't like football gather around the TV to watch new commercials and catch the spectacular halftime show. And who can forget about the food? To get ready for the big day, fans prepare delicious appetizers so they can keep their strength up without taking their eyes off the game. No matter what team you're rooting for, the Super Bowl brings football fans together for one last celebration.

What Kinds of Super Bowl Deals Can You Expect?

Restaurants, pizza parlors, electronics stores, department stores, and countless other locations offer special deals to help you celebrate the big day. The deals vary from year to year, but here are some of the deals that have been offered in the past.

NFL Shop

In the past, the NFL Shop and other football merchandise stores have offered discounts on branded products like shirts, hats, and jerseys.


Fanatics has offered discounts on NFL gear for Super Bowl fans looking for a steal of a deal.


Walmart has offered discounts on TVs, laptops, and other devices that you can use to watch the big game. They've also offered deals on TV accessories like high-end speakers.

Buffalo Wild Wings

Save 10% off Party Menu party-sized items now through 2/12 only! No code needed.


Wingstop has offered special "Watch Packs" and other deals for customers who want to eat hot wings while they watch the Super Bowl.


Domino's and other pizza chains have offered exclusive Super Bowl deals on their pizzas.


In previous years, ticket websites like TicketMonster have offered deals for people who want tickets to see the Super Bowl in person.


Food delivery services like UberEats and Postmates have offered special deals for people who order food before or during the Super Bowl.


Amazon has offered deals for people who want to stock up on tailgating supplies like grills and smokers.


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Try EveryPlate at $1.79/meal instead of your usual Super Bowl pizzas and beers + get 20% off your next 2 boxes with code CF179 for a limited time. EveryPlate helps you craft flavorful dinners without the fuss.

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Local Restaurants

Stop by your local restaurants and see what kinds of deals they're offering for Super Bowl Sunday! Many local bars and restaurants have Super Bowl watch parties where you can score cheap food and drinks and watch the game on the big screen. Some restaurants also offer discounted appetizers and entrees so you can party all day without worrying about having to cook dinner.

How Can You Celebrate the Super Bowl on a Budget?

Super Bowl parties can get a little expensive. If you can't afford to buy a big-screen TV or see the game in person, here are a few ways you can enjoy the Super Bowl on a budget.

Make Your Own Appetizers

Who says that you have to spend hundreds of dollars on appetizers? You can find plenty of recipes online for delicious appetizers that cost less than $10. In fact, you might be able to make some appetizers using ingredients that you already have in your fridge. Try making pigs in a blanket, homemade cheese dip, or hamburger sliders.

Keep It Simple by Celebrating at Home

If you go to the bar, you'll be tempted to buy drinks for yourself and your friends all night. Instead of running up a huge bar tab, stay home and watch the game on your TV, laptop, or tablet. You might not have the world's biggest screen, but that won't make the game any less exciting.

Have a Potluck

Save money on food by inviting your friends, neighbors, and family members to bring their own dish to your Super Bowl party. You'll get to try a variety of cuisines without blowing your budget.

Tailgate at Home

Host a barbecue right in your own garage using some of the meat that you have stashed away in the freezer.

Make Your Own Merchandise

Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on official Super Bowl merchandise, try making your own merchandise at home. This is a great project you can do with your kids. Make your own shirts, flags, hats, signs, and decorations to add a personal touch to your Super Bowl celebration.

Why Do Americans Love the Super Bowl?

In the decades since the first Super Bowl was held, the Super Bowl has gone from an ordinary sports event to a massive cultural phenomenon. Corporations pay millions of dollars to advertise during the Super Bowl, which is one of the most-watched television programs of the year. The Super Bowl Halftime Show is one of the year's biggest concerts, with the NFL recruiting some of the world's most popular acts to perform a medley of hits. Even if you're not a sports fan, you can't help but tune in and watch the spectacle.

What Is the History of the Super Bowl?

The first Super Bowl was played on January 15, 1967. While the first event was held in January, the Super Bowl has been held in February since 2004. Early halftime shows consisted of school marching bands. Over time, the Super Bowl has become a massive sporting event that brings in millions of dollars each year. Similar to the Olympics, different cities compete to host the Super Bowl in one of their venues.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Super Bowl

Is there a Super Bowl?

Yes! The Super Bowl is the final match-up between the two football teams that beat out all the others.

Why Is the Super Bowl celebrated?

Over the years, the Super Bowl has become more than another sports event. It's become a major U.S. holiday where people across the country get together to celebrate with their friends and enjoy delicious food.

Which day is the Super Bowl celebrated on?

The Super Bowl is held on the first Sunday in February.

about the author

Tiara Rea-Palmer
Director of Partnerships
As an expert in online savings and an avid deal enthusiast, Tiara heads up retail relations at CouponFollow, where she stays up-to-date on all the best deals, discounts, and freebies, as well as negotiates exclusive coupons and offers for CouponFollow users. In her free time, you can find Tiara writing, DIY crafting on a budget, and traveling with free rewards card miles.