Earning extra money during the summer months can provide extra spending power for excursions or purchases. Extra money can make it possible to pay off debt, save to buy a house or another significant investment, add money to a retirement account, or take a trip. Setting a specific goal is the first step toward achieving it. Then, creative thinking will often make the goal achievable. Summertime offers additional earning advantages thanks to the seasonal work that is often available, such as working as a lifeguard or babysitting while children are out of school. However, it's more beneficial to find a way to earn money year-round instead of just in the summer. By working throughout the year, you will achieve your financial goals more quickly. Even without special skills, it's possible to earn cash that you can use to take a vacation or to buy an item you want. You can also earn money to save or invest for a future purpose.
Ways to Earn Money Online During the Summer
- Blogging: Writing and maintaining a blog is relatively inexpensive, and the earning potential can be high. Hosting expenses a for a website usually cost only a few dollars a month, and bloggers can earn money through advertising or by writing paid posts.
- Surveys: Many survey websites offer opportunities for people to earn money by sharing information about themselves or opinions about other things. The earning potential is not large, but people might earn spending money in their spare time by taking surveys about a variety of subjects for several different survey companies.
- Online Content: Websites and bloggers often hire content writers to write about a variety of subjects.
- Selling Used Items: Take inventory of the electronics and other items you own, and try selling these items online via a website such as eBay or Craigslist.
- Virtual Assistant: Many professionals hire virtual assistants to help them with daily tasks such as email management, customer service, or social media. VAs work from home, often setting their own hours.
Ways to Earn Money With Specific Skill Sets
- Tutoring: Tutoring students in specific subjects can be an ideal way to use your knowledge and proficiency in a subject area to make money.
- Editing: Offer your grammatical skills to assist students with editing reports, theses, and research papers.
- Photography: Spend time taking photos of landscapes and scenery, and then sell your pictures to earn money.
- Write a Book: Consider writing a fiction or nonfiction book and self-publishing it to earn money.
- Household Services: Start a business to offer services such as cleaning, shoveling, raking, or handyman work.
Ways to Earn Money in Your City
- Rentals: If you have the space in your house, think about renting out a room to a student or to vacationers.
- Lifeguarding: Earn a CPR certification and work at a local pool as a lifeguard.
- Golf Caddie: Work at a golf course and make some extra money.
- Pet Care: Offer pet care for people on vacation, or walk dogs for owners who are too busy to do it themselves.
- House-Sitting: Manage people's houses while they are away on vacation, watering plants, gathering mail, and keeping an eye on the property.
Traditional Earning Methods
- Babysitting: Watching other people's children during summer days or in the evenings can be a great way to earn extra cash.
- Deliver Newspapers: Deliver daily or weekly newspapers to people in your neighborhood.
- Car-Washing: Set up a car-washing service and wash and wax people's vehicles.
- Pizza or Food Delivery: If you have a vehicle, get a job at a restaurant to deliver pizzas or other types of food.
- Part-Time Job: Grocery stores, retail stores, and service business often hire part-time employees to cover additional hours.
Saving Money: Resources and Hints